For Northern Ireland weather today just click here and enter your area in the find a forecast box.
To say Ireland weather can be summed up as tending towards unpredictable, yes that's a fair starting point . Many would describe it as being mild, moist and changeable with abundant rainfall !
Is our weather unpredictable?
Unpredictable is about right-it could be sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy or all 4 in one day.
We lie in the Atlantic Ocean, and as a result are warmed by the North Atlantic Current all year. Met Éireann is the meteorological service of the Republic of Ireland, and the Met Office is that of Northern Ireland.
One great thing is the climate does not experience extreme northern irish weather, with tornadoes and similar weather features being rare!!!
If you need some northern Ireland Travel Tips here are a few. Pack your clothes, layers are best, bring T-shirts plus a few of sweaters in case it is cooler & jeans/skirts/trousers, whatever you usually wear ? If you are here for a while you might be better to pack very little & see what the weather is like when you arrive! You can then buy clothes quite cheaply at discount stores when you get here.
You know how many times you pack that bag going away on holidays and how many times you pack too much and end up walking around in same outfit- ok maybe more relates to men in general?
Other Northern Ireland Travel tips for Ireland weather
Remember to bring (or buy when you get here) an umbrella, raincoat & waterproof shoes/boots if you anticipate doing much walking outdoors. There is also a huge regional variation at times, with inland areas being cooler in winter and warmer in Summer than their coastal counterparts.
Ireland Weather:
Ireland Weather:
So in summary we have a mix of everything don't we ! It's a great part of our conversation here the weather-what would we talk about without it!
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