Looking for authentic designer discount handbags from Ireland. Pauric Sweeney is a famous handbag designer from Donegal in the North of Ireland. Ireland is not really renowned in its history for famous handbag designers so it is special for us when looking for affordable designer handbags that we can speak about such a talent.
Nowadays so many people are looking for an authentic designer .Discount Handbags can be purchased in so many places. Those that have one of these fashion handbags know the quality of these handbags Even though a little more expensive they are well worth the money and with online designer handbag discount you can get authentic designer discount handbags up to 70% off list price. |
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His exquisitely crafted bags with clean and charming aesthetics have earned him a formidable celebrity following. He has a huge celebrity following, Kate Moss, Alexa Chung, Jennifer Lopez to name but a few. He plans to expand into sunglasses and furniture, but it’s the hobo handbags and totes and clutches we know him best for. |
He has fashion designer leather handbags in luxury Italian leather and exotic skins.Having owned his own fashion boutique and gallery in London in the 90s he now lives in Italy.
If you are looking for affordable designer handbags he now has three lines:
1-Pauric Sweeney (main exotic skin line of handbags).
2-The latest range of Pauric by Pauric Sweeney women's bags are elegant, beautifully designed and made to last. With vivid browns, beiges and greens, this range of stunning bags is perfect for creating the right impression at a social gathering.
Whether you are looking for a sleek tote bag or a devastatingly gorgeous clutch bag, when looking for Pauric by Pauric Sweeney women's bags.
3-Men's line
London Collections staged the platform for the designer to launch his new manbag collection showcasing the most beautiful soft leather ever on every bag.
With a host of international stores already stocking, and a new flagship store in London opening soon, this is one to watch.
His fashion handbags have landed in more than 100 stores worldwide, including top stores as Harvey Nichols and Bergdorf Goodman.
Online you will see many designer handbag discount stores offering up to 70% off.
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Search Yoox.com for a selection of these fashion handbags . |
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